People always ask me…. No, they don’t, but I’m going to give my two pence worth anyway. The below five things will help you feel better, live longer and make you way happier 

Disclaimer: I am not a life coach with an online diploma, so can not guarantee what I just wrote above, but hey who cares? It’s got to work right?

  1. Pick a sport and stick to it, but something you have to go to a class for. This can be dancing, yoga or even Brazilian Jiu Jitsu just stick to it until you are good at it, don’t change after a year because it’s too hard, it’s not only the sport, go hang out with the guys in a pub after training, you can have a lime soda if you really don’t want to drink, but there is no better connection than doing activities with other people. You can talk about it meet people you would never meet and have fun in a way you can’t anywhere else.

  2. Learn a language, get Duolingo on your phone and do it every day religiously, then at some point find a friend from that country and trade conversations, you don’t have to be fluent in a month, no one is going to judge you, and if they do? Tell them where to go. This will work your brain, help you meet new people again as you can practice with other people also learning and when you travel to that country, you will feel a deeper connection than you had before, it will be great! Trust me.

  3. Travel more, and I don’t mean sit on a beach in Magaluf, I mean to get stuck in, eat the local food, spend time with the locals, BJJ is great for this, as locals do BJJ meet them, chat with them and drink with them, bonus points if it’s the language you were learning in point two as now you can also practice, getting drunk and trying to speak a foreign language is the best way to do this, no inhibitions and no one will remember, I once spent a whole morning in Spain trying to speak Spanish to a guy who couldn’t speak a word of English, we weren’t drunk but erm… we had other substances to break those inhibitions, I swear for that morning I was fluent in a language I had minimal learning in!! It was transcendent.

  4. Get off your phone and stop reading the news, ok I am bad at this one, but it will clear your mind and you can read more important things, what’s happening in America is out of your control, what’s happening right now is out of your control, work on things you can fix, the rest will take care of itself.

  5. Meditate every day, you don’t have to be good, it will help you be calm if you are good, but it will also just help you learn to stop and smell the roses once in a while. It slowly creeps into your every day and even just 10 minutes a day will be life changing. Doesn’t have to be spiritual, it just has to be about focusing on one thing, not the infinite rabbit holes that our minds take us down.

Do I follow all these? Sure!! Am I good at them? No, but that’s not the point, I’m getting better at all of them and the only person I have to be better than is myself from a few minutes ago, yesterday, or the day before. I also have to not judge myself for making mistakes and missing days of doing things. Each day we start over with a new chance to do it again. You are great and I love you, ok now go away, it’s getting too cheesy :)