I mean it, get as fit as you possibly can and thank me later. You owe it to yourself. You have one body and the more you can move it the more you will feel free to do the other things you want to do, the more energy you’ll have to spend with your family, and the sexier you’ll look, well I hope I do (he’s fishing for compliments in the comments or email will do :) ).

Why would I do that?

Why not? What else are you going to do? Haven’t you already completed Netflix? Oh you have kids? Yet you still have time for Netflix? Oh it’s computer games? Are you 12? (Well I have an F1 Game addiction so am a bit of a hypocrite). 

You will feel great, you will prevent old person injuries and you will replace your other boring addictions with a better one. If you want to run, do that, do weights and push yourself to your limit. You will feel great and you will sleep better, enjoy more time with your family and friends and you won’t be as grumpy. Also once your weight settles you can pretty much eat what you want (within reason). 

It’s a lot to take on though

It is not! Start with a short run everyday at the same time, and I mean everyday. It makes it easier if you do something everyday, or do 100 kettlebell swings everyday. These two things shouldn’t take up more than 20 mins, get up run or get up and swing a kettlebell (don’t go too light though). 

Once you can do that for at least a month, either add something else or make it a bit longer. Maybe you can even start another sport, for example… Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? (Don’t know where I got that Idea from). Then you can start working towards something.

I promise you it is fun, that’s just your mind playing tricks on you

Exercise is the most fun you can have, what makes it not fun is our own self doubting. I’m too fat, I’m not good enough, I’m too busy, I’m never going to be where I want to be… and so on. 

The above is all in your head. I have been there, mostly when I start over tracking what I’m doing. I lifted X last week and this week I should lift X+10kg, oh no I couldn’t hit that I only did X+5kg damn I’m a failure. 

You’re not too busy, you have time for Netflix don’t you? Get up and get going for 10 mins, you don’t have a kettlebell? Air squats, push ups and burpees. Download one of the many apps like the 7 minute workout app and just get to it. Don’t have to push too hard just do it everyday.

You’re too fat? So what? Stop body shaming yourself. really no one else cares unless you are so big you can’t wash and look after yourself. You are fine. Get exercising.

You’re not good enough? Very few people are, but you are good enough for you. Just be the best you can be, who are you competing against? 

Look I know it’s hard to get over this stuff. I still have doubts. I just accept I’m mostly stupid and keep going.

Some good options

Obviously the best option is actually to join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class, as you know you won’t be good at the start, also most people come away exhausted yet feel like it flew by. The number of people who tell me it didn’t feel like exercise is… a lot of people.

If you run, listen to a podcast or ebook, as long as you are jogging go as fast as you want. Then it’s like learning and running. 

Classes are great. I do a functional fitness class at The Forge Warehouse Gym in Chiswick on top of my BJJ training, it’s 45 mins and the other people there make it fun. I enjoy trash talking my friends and competing with them a bit, but really everyone is doing their own thing. It’s just fun having people around doing the same thing. Other good options for a lighter versions are F45 in Ravenscourt Park.


Just do it for yourself. Look there is literally no real pressure here, just o a bit everyday and enjoy it. Life’s too short for non enjoyment and this is more fun than searching through Netflix for something you haven’t watched. I wish I knew how easy this was sooner. It’s never too late though. In fact start now.