Swings and roundabouts is an optimistic view of the last couple of years, from a break up that knocked me a bit, to huge pressures on my business and trying to figure myself out more and what I want from life once the fog of the last couple of years clears, to my business bouncing back with new vigour and a renewed love of competing, Traveling and working towards just doing the things I love. 

I learned to be a bit more content with myself, maybe a bit too much. I learnt that I am more disciplined than I thought, even if I could be better organised, I know I still have a lot more to learn.

Next year brings with it a lot of recent challenges back round, but I think 2022 will be the year I put it all together, Iā€™m slowly allowing more people and opportunities back into my life, and feel my usual optimism and happy energy getting back to full swing. I have many achievable goals and some moonshots for the next few years. If you know me you know I keep moving forward.

Hope you all are well and achieve everything you want to do, life is for keeping doing, you can watch Netflix anytime, go do that thing you always wanted to do first. Look forward to seeing you all and chatting soon.

Oh and here are some comforting words from our friend Tom :)