Do you want to be an astronaut? A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world Champion? A film star? Maybe a reality TV star nowadays, we live in a time where all these things are in our reach, yes even BJJ world champ. It might not be the way you are thinking about it, Roger Gracie is one in a million maybe even billion but you can still find ways of doing everything you dreamed. 

The space tourism race is hotting up already and soon enough we will all be able to save up and head into orbit around the earth and enjoy the feeling of being gravity free and seeing that the earth is indeed round, although am sure some flat earthers will still blame the curvature of the windows or say it’s an elaborate illusion created to fool us. Either way you will have become an astronaut and your childhood dreams will have been mostly fulfilled, then the new dream will be landing on the moon and I’m sure soon enough moon tourism will be a thing too.

A film star? Well you have a video camera on your phone, all it takes is a half decent idea and some software and you too can be the star of your own film. Maybe someone other than you will even watch it. The same goes for reality TV star, you could post your highlights on instagram and combine that with influencer. 

BJJ world champion? If you train long enough you could be one of two in Masters 20 at the Worlds and whoever has the sturdiest hip wins at that point. Or you find some obscure world championship that no one has heard of and enter that so the competition isn’t too high and you can win that right now.

The point I am trying to make is that we live in a time that we can mostly fulfil our dreams, yes you can say it’s not how you imagined them, but they are still goals you can aim for and be proud of, we don’t all have the luck to start from a younger age or have pushy parents who aren’t too pushy or under pushy who help us propel to the heights we now dreamt we should have achieved. 

We can now do some of it ourselves and along the way have a great ride and make lots of great friends and actually have a better life than some of those famous people achieving the heights but feeling lonely and having personal issues and an inability to do normal things. We can go for a drink with our friends on the weekend and talk about something other than the one thing we are focused on, we can try other activities without the fear that injuries will scupper our dreams, we can take the odd day off without guilt and we can eat that cake and relish each gram of carbohydrate that will create a cushion for us to rest on around our waist. 

My point is don’t overlook how lucky you are, we live in the best times ever and you can do things most other people even today can’t imagine. Be happy and go make that film, if you do send, it to me and I can be the other person who watches it. You can achieve so many great things, go do it :)